Outstanding debt is resulted in trip cancellation. The city court has barred citizen of the city of Almetyevskto travel abroad

1 March 2018, Thursday

Environment outstanding debt became basis for limiting travel abroad for Almetyevsk citizen. In May 2017, this citizen was recognized five-time violator of environmental legislation. For discharge of construction wastes on the terrain in Leninogorsk city and Kamyshlariver water conservation zone, discharge of sewage into the mentioned river, hindering free access to the water body and absence of rainwater with autonomous treatment facilities, the inspectors of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Republic of Tatarstan Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources brought the citizen to justice under the respective articles.

Due to this fact, the inspectorsissued offender a punishment in the form of fine for the total amount of 99 thousand rubles. The citizen failed to pay the debt in due time, and therefore the environmental experts applied to the Almetyevsk City Court, which ruled to bar the citizen to travel outside Russia.

Press office of Republic of Tatarstan Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

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