May 2023

From May 12 to May 19, three automatic air pollution control stations in Kazan recorded the excess of the maximum permissible concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the atmospheric air. The excess was recorded at AAPC-1, located in the village of Osinovo (1,7 MPC), AAPC-5, located in the microdistrict "Salavat Kupere" on  I. Shakirov st., 3 (4 MPC), AAPC-4 on Chetaev str., 26 (2,3 MPC).

May 2023

From May 5 to May 12, two automatic air pollution control stations in Kazan recorded exceedances of the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants in the atmospheric air. So, at AAPCS-2, located on Pavlyukhina Street, 75, nitrogen oxide exceedances were recorded with a maximum multiplicity of 1.8 MPC. And at AAPCS-5, located at 3 Shakirova Street in the Salavat Kupere microdistrict, hydrogen sulfide exceedances with a maximum multiplicity of 1.6 MPC were recorded.

April 2023

From April 21 to 27, two automatic air pollution control stations in Kazan recorded exceedances of the MPC of pollutants in the atmospheric air. So, at AAPCS-2, located on Pavlyukhina Street, 75, nitrogen oxide exceedances were recorded with a maximum multiplicity of 1.9 MPC. The reason for the excess was the work of machinery on a construction site located in the immediate vicinity of the station. And at AAPCS-3, located at 76 Maksimov Street, carbon monoxide exceedances were recorded in the south wind direction. Here, the reason for the excess was the intensity of traffic flows on highways.

April 2023

From April 14 to April 20, exceedances of the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants were recorded at one of the five automatic air pollution control stations in Kazan.

April 2023

On April 4, in the period from 21:20 to 7:40, an automatic air pollution control station located in the village of Osinovo, outside the residential sector, an excess of the MPC for hydrogen sulfide in the atmospheric air was recorded. The maximum multiplicity of excess was 2.67 MPC.

March 2023

Let us recall that the new AAPCS-5 has been operating in the residential complex "Salavat Kupere" since February. More than 8 thousand measurements have already been made, including more than 2.2 thousand measurements on major pollutants from March 17 to 24.  At this point of continuous monitoring, no excess of the permissible value of pollutants in the atmospheric air was recorded. It should be noted that during this period the weather conditions were favorable with a predominant south-westerly wind direction.

March 2023

Since the beginning of its operation, the new automatic air pollution control station (hereinafter – AAPCS) has carried out more than 5,900 measurements of pollutants. The equipment installed at AAPCS provides continuous measurements of concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air every 20 seconds with an average of 20 minutes for comparison with the maximum permissible maximum single concentrations of substances in the air. Since March 1, the station, installed at the request of residents of the residential complex "Salavat Kupere", has been monitoring the content of major pollutants in the air, such as carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, the sum of nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide.

March 2023

Since the beginning of March, the new automatic air pollution control station (hereinafter – AAPCS) has carried out more than 3,000 measurements of pollutants. This station provides monitoring of the main pollutants in the air, such as: carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, the sum of nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide. The equipment installed at AAPCS provides continuous measurements of concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air with an average of 20 minutes for comparison with the maximum permissible maximum single concentrations of substances in the air.

February 2023

AAPCS is located on the territory of MBOU "Lyceum No. 188" at the address Ilgama Shakirov Avenue, 3g and has already begun the first measurements of pollutants in the atmospheric air. Today, this automatic station is equipped with gas analyzers to monitor the content of major pollutants in the air, such as carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, the sum of nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide. In the near future, it is planned to retrofit the station with an automated chromatographic complex for the determination of aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric air.

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