July 2021

Non-governmental Environmental Foundation named after V. I. Vernadsky will hold the VII All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education (with international participation) "Education-2030" on October 27-29, 2021 in Moscow. To study. Try. Act"

Тэги: conference

April 2021

In the Gymnasium named after M. M. Vakhitov in Buinsk, the XIX district environmental conference of schoolchildren was held. The event was attended by specialists of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan and Zea Buylary State Industrial Complex. The goal is to improve the education of schoolchildren in the field of ecology, motivate them to work in schools to develop environmental culture, and increase the level of communication and research competence of schoolchildren.

April 2021

The closed-cycle economy, energy efficiency and environmental safety were discussed today at the Kazan Expo Exhibition Center as part of the Tatarstan International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Ecology - 2021. The section organized by the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan was attended by Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Ayrat Shigapov, as well as representatives of science, universities, enterprises and organizations of the republic and Moscow.

October 2020

The Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Socially Significant Initiatives within the Framework of the Earth Charter Implementation” has opened in the IT park today. It was proposed to join the participation in person or via video conferencing.

September 2020

In the “Clean water” section:

- Kalayda Marina Lvovna - Professor, Head of Department “Aquatic Bio-resources and Aquaculture” of Kazan State Power Engineering University;

- Zakirov Rustem Kayumovich - Associate Professor of the Department “Industrial Biotechnology” of Kazan National Research and Technological University;

- Minibayev Azamat Ilshatovich - Assistant of the Department “Thermal Power Plants” of the Kazan State Power Engineering University.

September 2020

Topical issues related to the need to implement the principles of a circular economy, improve energy efficiency and environmental safety in waste management, were discussed today during the XV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference named after A.I. Shchepovskikh “Industrial Ecology and Safety” at the section “Circular Economy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Safety in Waste Management”.

Events within the framework of the Tatarstan Oil and Gas Chemical Forum continue in the international exhibition center “Kazan Expo”. In particular, today the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan has organized the XV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference named after A.I. Shchepovskikh “Industrial Ecology and Safety”.

Live broadcast of the events is available at

October 2019

Today, a republican scientific and practical environmental conference for schoolchildren “Ecology, the City and We” was held on the basis of secondary school No. 22 of Naberezhnye Chelny. The event was initiated by the Republican Olympiad Center, the Department of Education and Youth Affairs of the Executive Committee of the city, and the Children's Ecological and Biological Center No. 4.

October 2019

About 200 delegates from leading industrial enterprises of the CIS, manufacturers of equipment and engineering companies in Russia, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Belgium, Estonia, Sweden, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus participated in the XII International Conference “DUST-GAS CLEANING-2019”. From the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Head of the Department for Atmospheric Air Protection Aliya Garayeva took part in the event.

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