Take part in the VII All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education

28 July 2021, Wednesday

Non-governmental Environmental Foundation named after V. I. Vernadsky will hold the VII All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education (with international participation) "Education-2030" on October 27-29, 2021 in Moscow. To study. Try. Act"

Representatives of federal and regional legislative and executive authorities, teachers of preschool, general, professional and additional education institutions, specialists in the field of environmental education, as well as representatives of industry, academic science, the expert community, public and environmental organizations are invited to participate.

Within the framework of the event, the following topics will be discussed:

- tasks of the Russian education system in the light of the UNESCO Roadmap "Education for Sustainable Development" until 2030;

- integration of education and enlightenment for sustainable development as fundamental elements in the educational process;

- expansion of innovative experience in improving the quality of environmental education and enlightenment;

- education for sustainable development in accordance with the prospects of socio-economic development of Russia;

- training of personnel for the implementation of the state scientific and technical policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation and climate change;

- youth as a key driving force in solving the problems of sustainable development: environmental voluntary work, eco-activism;

- development of additional environmental education systems;

- innovative solutions for the development of environmental education that go beyond traditional sectoral approaches;

- mechanisms for getting rid of "bunker" thinking in environmental education and moving to interaction with various sectors of the economy based on interdisciplinary approaches.

More detailed information is available on the website: http://www.vernadsky.ru

Тэги: conference
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