Annually, since 1971, the International Day of Forests is marked on March 21. It is also called the World Forest Day. This Day was established at the 23-th United Nations General Assembly, at the initiative of the European Confederation of Agriculture. In 2012, the UN General Assembly adopted a special resolution on the approval of the International Day of Forests – the need to remain aware of the importance of their protection and to have another reason to inform the population of the planet about the important role played by forests in our life. Just think that a single tree of average size for 24 hours produces a quantity of oxygen enough for three people breathing. And did you notice a special air in forest? This is really so. Oxygen, producedby trees, is a highly ionized, and therefore it is particularly useful for lungs and human health in general. Forests not only humidify the air and make it suitable for breathing, they also capture atmospheric dust. So, in year 1 hectare of pine forest holds about 40 tons of dust, and deciduous forest of the same area – about 100 tons.
In spring forest absorbs excess moisture from meltingsnow, without this spring river flood could be catastrophic, while at the same time, the forest gradually gives this moisture rivers, making them full-flowing. Without the forest the river would start to dry upvery quickly. Finally, without the forest it is simply impossible to maintain a natural ecological balance.
Therefore, each year on March 21, the World Day of Forests, UN holds celebrations informational. Volunteers hand out leaflets, hold exhibitions and competitions, various flash mobs and mass tree planting campaign.
Press Service of MENR of RT