Pile of rubbish in Kazancenter. Environmentalists investigate – who allowed the garbage?

24 January 2017, Tuesday

Complaint on a pile of rubbish in the yard of a residential building on Karl Marx Street was received by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. To studythe details, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administrationvisited the place. “Rubbish is not removed since the last autumn, –the residents complained to environmentalists, – our managing company had refused to provide its services to us, which resulted in this pile.” Two wastecollection containers are overfilled a long time ago. So people have to throw their bags with waste on the ground. Area of ​​52 sq.mis contaminated with trash. Environmental inspectors haveinvestigatedthe morphological composition of the waste and revealed that it is thrown not only by residents, and numerous boxes withpapers confirm this. Here we see not only production and consumptionwaste. Nearby there are 29 organizations of variousprofiles. On the territory of some of them there are waste containers, garbage is regularlyremoved, which is proved by relevant documents,”– commented AlmazIsmagilov, theDeputy Head of CTA of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. Today environmentalistsvisited all the organizations and informed their managers about the need to timely submit reports on formation, use, detoxificationand disposal of waste resulted from economic and other activities. It is necessary to clearly understand what kind of waste and in what quantities is produced, and to which specialized organizations such waste is moved in accordance with the agreements concluded.


Into the unauthorized placement of solid waste on the Karl Marx street of Kazanthe administrative investigation is carried out, and causes of the landfill formation at the siteare investigated. As part of the investigation, will be studied the footage from cameras installed on the buildings located on the territory.


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