Mining and extractionare under special control. Starting this year, each water craftextracting common useful minerals on the water will be connected to thenational information system of the Republic of Tatarstan using the GLONASS satellite navigation equipment, or GLONASS/GPS. Resolution No.10 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan of 01.16.2017 “On amendments to the procedure for the use of subsoil sites of local importance in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan on 04.11.2011 No.917 “On approval of the use of subsoil sites of local importance on territory of the Republic of Tatarstan”, have been approved.
“In 2016 alone the damage caused by the extraction of mineral resources on the water was more than 40 million rubles, several criminal investigationshave been opened. Violations are revealed during checks carried out by the inspectors. The innovation willenable to accurately track the boundaries of each water craft and dredger in real-time mode and eliminate extraction beyond these boundaries,” – commented Farid Abdulganiyev,Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. He added that special monitoring will be carried out for the extraction of common useful mineralsin places of spawning during the spawning period in order to preserve the aquatic biological resources.