Automated station for air pollution control was opened in Mendeleevsk
2 September 2014, Tuesday
Automated station for air pollution control (ASAPC) was implemented and opened on September 1, 2014 in order to arrange constant regional ecological monitoring of local environment on the territory of Mendeleevsk and Mendeleevsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Stationary point located on 7 Fomina str. allows to ensure continuous monitoring of air pollution 24/7 in an automated mode controlling the following indicators: nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon oxide, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, saturated hydrocarbons С1-С5 and unsaturated hydrocarbons (ethene, propene, butene), paraffin hydrocarbons С6-С10, dust, as well as meteorological parameters (temperature, humidity, atmosphere pressure, wind velocity and direction). This post was meant to ensure constant registration of specific pollutants emitted by chemical enterprises located on the territory of the city.
Dear friends! New Year is a holiday that unites us all and gives us the warmest emotions, returning to childhood. By good tradition, these New Year's days we summarize the results and make plans for the future. For each of us, this is a time of bright hopes and joyful expectations, a time of new ideas and achievements. Dreams and goals are what makes us all move forward, and it depends only on ourselves what the new year will be like.
New Year is a time of creativity and bright colors! On the eve of the winter holidays, the Ministry of Ecology held a competition for the best New Year's wall newspaper, which was attended by departments and territorial departments of the Ministry. In their work, the staff showed photographs with highlights of everyday work and wrote wishes for the next 2025. The main symbol of the New Year, the snake, was also present. The epitome of wisdom and patience, she graced almost every wall newspaper.
At the multidisciplinary lyceum named after G. Kursavi an environmental quiz among third grade students was held. Five teams of young environmentalists competed in knowledge about the riches and beauty of the surrounding world.
An environmental lesson on waste recycling was held at school No. 13 in Nizhnekamsk. The inspectors of the Zakamsky department told the students about different approaches to waste management in different countries of the world.