Do you participate in eco-campaigns and how do you assess the changes in the ecology of the region? Tatarstan Ministry of Ecology launches new opinion poll

11 January 2025, Saturday

In 2025, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan is conducting a new social survey aimed primarily at improving the efficiency of the department.

The anonymous survey consists of 23 questions and will help you evaluate:

- The level of environmental education of the population;

- The degree of participation of residents in environmental protection activities;

- General perception of the environmental situation in the republic.

It will take no more than 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire, and all residents of Tatarstan aged 16 and over can take part in the survey.

The survey can be completed by January 26 at the link:

The main purpose of the study is to improve the activities of the Ministry of Ecology and improve environmental education for residents of Tatarstan, which contributes to achieving the goals of the national project "Environmental well–being".

It should be recalled that the Ministry has already conducted a similar sociological study in 2022, which involved 6,251 people.

According to the results of the analysis, 81% of respondents were interested in environmental issues and the environmental situation in the region, and 94% believed that they could take actions aimed at minimizing harm to the environment.

In addition, 88% of respondents approved of the activities of environmental movements. At the same time, a common reason for not participating in environmental events was lack of time (50%) and lack of information about ongoing events (32%).

Of the total number of respondents, 8% of the participants contacted the Ministry. The most common reasons for complaints were landfills (40%), garbage on container sites (33%), pollution of water bodies (25%) and air quality (23%).


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