The employees and inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology checked their knowledge about the native nature. Now it's your turn! Until December 8, everyone has the opportunity to assess their environmental literacy.
The main topics of the dictation were the Red Book, protected areas and eco-tourism. The tasks are adapted to four categories of participants: younger and older than 12 years old, for those who have specialized education and work experience in the environmental field, and for those whose activities are not related to ecology.
Upon completion of the testing, all participants will receive certificates, and the winners will be awarded diplomas.
You can take an Eco-dictation both online and offline. Today, 200 sites have been registered in Tatarstan, each of which can claim to be the brightest, most interesting and popular.
Do not delay until tomorrow, check your knowledge right now at the link: https://экодиктант.рус /?ysclid=m3wqn75xwu122046239.