Young conservationists. Tyulyachy schoolchildren and pre-school children take care of birds

27 November 2024, Wednesday

Schoolchildren and pre-school children of the Tyulyachinsky district treat feathered friends with great love and care.

At the technology lesson, students of the Bolshemeteskinsky school made feeders, which were then placed on the school grounds. The pupils of kindergarten No. 1, where an event dedicated to the Day of Birds was recently held, did not stay away either. Inspectors of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and specialists of the Ashit Nature Reserve told the kids about the diversity of birds living in the republic, as well as about the differences between wintering and migratory species. The pre-school children enthusiastically shared their knowledge about feathered friends and discussed how to prepare a meeting of wintering birds. After the theoretical part, together with their parents, they hung feeders on the backyard, which were immediately filled with food. The event was fun and interesting, leaving the children with a lot of positive emotions.

"These initiatives clearly show how important it is to instill in children the care of nature from an early age," the environmentalists share. – For example, Bolshemeteskinskaya Secondary School is known for its school forestry "Urmankai", where students actively participate in planting trees, caring for the forest, collecting seeds and medicinal plants. The forestry works closely with the Leninsky forestry of the Sabinsky district, helping to preserve and restore green areas."

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