Already today, every resident of the Republic of Tatarstan has the opportunity to assess their environmental literacy by taking part in the All-Russian Environmental Dictation. The country's largest educational project aimed at protecting nature will be available until December 8.
The main topics of this year's dictation will be the Red Book, protected areas and eco-tourism. The tasks are adapted to four categories of participants: younger and older than 12 years old, for those who have specialized education and work experience in the environmental field, and for those whose activities are not related to ecology.
The passage of the Eco-dictation is available at the link https://экодиктант.рус /?ysclid=m3wqn75xwu122046239. Upon completion of the testing, all participants will receive certificates, and the winners will be awarded diplomas.
To date, 200 offline sites have been registered in Tatarstan, each of which can claim to be the brightest, most interesting and popular site. As part of the Eco-Dictation, the organizers announced the contest "EcoPoint 6.0." in the following nominations:
- "ECO-style": for sites decorated in an ecological style;
- "EcoPro": sites that offered additional environmental activities on the day of the dictation;
- "In the circle of friends": mass foreign venues or those who invited foreign participants;
- "Without Borders": a platform that provided access to people with disabilities;
- "Ecodictation live": involving federal, regional or local media and bloggers to cover the event;
- "Visiting the Eco-dictation": inviting famous guests such as statesmen, experts or public opinion leaders;
- "Eco-dictation outside the walls": conducting dictation in non-standard places, for example, in specially protected natural areas or even in transport.
To participate, you must:
1. Declare an offline site on the Экодиктант.рус portal and organize its holding;
2. Post a post on social networks with the hashtags #Eco-dictation2024 #offline_plote_ecodictation2024;
3. Send the site report by email with the content of the venue and date of the venue, links to publications on social networks with hashtags, photographic materials and contact details of the organizer.
The winners of each nomination will be awarded with diplomas of the EcoPoint 6.0 competition.
The project, implemented with the support of the Federation Council, is aimed at developing environmental education, respect for the environment and achieving the goals of the national Ecology project. Last year, more than 100 thousand Tatarstan citizens joined the campaign.