The Republic of Tatarstan is actively participating in the All-Russian campaign to collect waste paper "BoomBattle" in support of the national project "Ecology". In more than a month, residents were able to recycle 75.5 tons of paper and cardboard!
A significant part of the raw materials was collected thanks to educational institutions. Thus, students and teachers of the Tetyushsky district Center for additional education sent 156 kg of waste paper for recycling as part of the paper battle. And the guys of Leshev-Tamak school not only joined the campaign, but also decided to make cardboard photo frames with their own hands.
Until November 15, everyone has the opportunity to join the All-Russian campaign "BoomBattle". It is necessary to collect as much waste paper as possible and register on the official website https://бумбатл.национальныепроекты.рф/.
Don't forget to post photos on social networks with the hashtags #BoomBattle#ecosystem #national project ecology. We collect waste paper, save trees and make Tatarstan cleaner together!
Let us recall that the All-Russian campaign to collect waste paper "BoomBattle" in support of the national project "Ecology" has been held for the fifth year in a row. Over the entire time of the "BoomBattle", more than 5.9 million people took part in it, who collected more than 161 thousand tons of waste paper.