Become a "Citizen Scientist" with us! Eco-education classes will be held in Kazan in support of the national project "Ecology"

28 June 2024, Friday

From July 4 to August 3, Kazan will host the city laboratory "Citizen Scientist", which has already become an annual event. This is a series of educational classes about the ecology of the city and the river. The practical classes will take place for a whole month and their main purpose is the exchange of knowledge between environmentalists, scientists and residents.

The project has been running for 3 years and became a finalist of the I All-Russian Park Award in the nomination "Environmental campaign". This year's event is held under the slogan "Kazanka overflows its banks" and is dedicated to the issues of conservation and care of Tatarstan's water bodies. This year, classes will be held not only on the banks of the Kazanka River, but also on the Noksa, Volga and Sviyaga Rivers.

Participants will have 10 classes – an excursion to the landing stage in Sviyazhsk, a visit to the River Museum, a lecture on the small rivers of Kazan on Rybatsky Island, a walk on the boards along the Kazanka River along the Blue Lakes, a study of river inhabitants in the zoological museum of the KFU and a practical lesson with a microscope, a visit to the branch of the sailing community "Wind Power", a hike with an ecologist along Noksa river, master classes and even an eco-party for the most disciplined participants – those who will attend all laboratory classes without exception.

The participant's passport number will be entered during the class. The most active will receive diplomas and souvenirs from the Kazanka Development Strategy.

The laboratory will be opened by the first meeting, which will take place on July 4 at 18:30 in the amphitheater on the Black Lake. The details of the program "Citizen scientist" and a welcome speech will be given in it:

Olga Manidicheva - Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan

Naila Zinnatullina - Director of the Institute of Urban Development of Tatarstan

Aigul Latypova - Director of the Directorate of Parks and Squares of Kazan

Maria Kozhevnikova - Deputy Director for Scientific Activities of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management of KFU

Also, invited experts will speak with the discussion "All rivers fall into the ocean":

Olga Vad - curator, Head of the Master's Degree in Art & Science at ITMO University, co-founder of the Agency for Cultural Projects NADO

Askhat Kayumov - Chairman of the Council of the Dront Eco-center, co-chairman of the All-Russian public organization Socio-Ecological Union, ex-Minister of Ecology of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Irshat Shigapov - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Hydrologist, Geoecologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Management and Water Use of Kazan Federal University

They will talk about the experience of interaction and management of rivers in other cities and what contribution each resident can make to preserve this important part of ecosystems — rivers and reservoirs.

Register for the first event by following the link

The organizers are the Kazanka Development Strategy Team, the Directorate of Parks and Squares of Kazan, the Kazan City Hall, the Institute for Urban Development of Tatarstan with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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