Non-compliance with licensing requirements resulted in an administrative fine for Agrochemistry LLC

28 June 2024, Friday

Violation of subsoil use terms was revealed by environmentalists at the Kuperbashskoye field. According to the results of the survey of the territory and further monitoring of vehicles, inspectors of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology managed to establish the fact of the export of overburden rocks (rocks covering mineral deposits) outside the license area.

As environmentalists explained, this deposit is used for limestone mining. "According to clause 2.1 of the license agreement, the license holder is obliged to ensure the separate storage and preservation of the soil and vegetation layer and overburden rocks for their further use in the reclamation of waste sites. The use of rocks for other purposes is a violation of Articles 11, 23 of the Federal Law "On Subsoil" and Articles 13, 42 of the Land Code of Russia No. 136-FZ," the specialists of the Northern TA noted.

The materials were transferred to the Prosecutor's Office of the Arsky district for action. As a result, a decision was made to initiate an administrative case against an official - the director of Agrochemistry LLC - under Part 2 of Article 7.3. of Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. The violator was brought to administrative responsibility and a fine was imposed.

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