The mobile inspector. Consultations and preventive visits by environmentalists can be conducted remotely

20 June 2024, Thursday

You can take part in events in a convenient place, having only a phone at hand. The Inspector mobile application made it possible to automate the work of employees of control bodies, reduce the burden on business, as well as improve the quality and effectiveness of events.

A representative of a controlled enterprise receives a notification about the date and time of the event via the portal of Public Services of the Russian Federation. After installing the mobile application, a link to it will come along with a notification, it is necessary to connect at the appointed time. The results of the consultation are sent to the applicant's personal account on Public Services, here you can also assess the quality of the remote conversation.

We would like to inform you that according to the Federal Law of July 31, 2020 No. 248-FZ "On State Control (Supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation", controlled persons themselves have the right to apply to the department with the initiative to conduct a preventive visit a month before the start of its conduct.

You can download the Mobile app "Inspector" and get acquainted with the information on the work of users on the Portal of control (supervisory) activities at the link:

The app is available on iOS, Android and Aurora OS.

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