Employees of the Kama region Department took part in the "March of Parks"

30 April 2024, Tuesday

As part of the "March of Parks – 2024" campaign, an ecological tram, decorated with children's drawings and posters, passed through Naberezhnye Chelny.

25 people took part in the campaign. These are activists of the organization "Union of Friends of Nature", students of the "Top" computer academy, students and teachers of the Chelny schools. 

At each stop of the eco-tram, activists presented information postcards, booklets and newspapers to residents of the city telling about the Nizhny Kama National Park. 

"Such an eco-enterprise helps residents unite for the sake of preserving parks and reserves. Now even more people know and can join the March of Good Deeds!" - said the inspector of the Kama department.

The organizers of the campaign are the Nizhny Kama National Park and the Children's Ecological and Biological Center No. 4.

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