A concert, a field kitchen, a family quest – this and much more awaits you tomorrow at the Central Clean-up!

26 April 2024, Friday

The Republican Central Clean-up day will be held tomorrow! We will be waiting for everyone in the Noksinsky forest behind the Frant shopping center. Don't forget to come to the start of registration - at 11:00. 

The clean-up day will become a large-scale family eco-festival. We will find something for everyone to do: moms and grandmothers will be able to participate in environmental workshops and learn how to make eco-bags, dads can remember their school years and take part in sports relay races, the older generation is waiting for tree planting and creative contests. And we invite everyone, without exception, to the Saturday cleaning with a concert program and a hot field kitchen!

The clean-up day will be held in a new eco-quest format. Teams will collect garbage and earn points. 114 teams have already registered to participate! It will be difficult, but it is especially pleasant to win in such a competition. 

The central clean-up day will become the traditional equator of the sanitary and ecological bi-monthly and the Eco-spring 24 competition. Employees of the Ministry of Ecology, activists of "It will Be Clean", the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, representatives of enterprises and organizations of the city will take part in it. 

Come with the whole family and let nature win!

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