Alexander Shadrikov told reporters how the "Eco-spring 24" will be held

2 April 2024, Tuesday

This year, the republican contest "Eco-spring" will be held in the format of an ecological marathon. 

This was announced by Tatarstan Minister of Ecology Alexander Shadrikov at a briefing in the Cabinet of Ministers today.

Each week is dedicated to a specific topic. The awarding of winners and prize-winners in the nominations "Eco-helper", "Eco-association", "Eco-family", "Eco-team" and "Eco-partner" is scheduled in June. There are three places in each nomination. The competition itself will be held until May 26.

You can already take part in the first week of the quest. The "Help the Birds" stage is dedicated to birds. Activists need to make a birdhouse or a feeder and hang it on a tree. Next, post a post on your VKontakte page with the result of the work and send a confirmation by email . Anyone can participate in the competition. 

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