Environmental lessons for the youngest were conducted by our inspectors in Arsk

19 January 2024, Friday

Ecologists of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held exciting ecology classes for kids of kindergarten No. 11 and first-graders of gymnasium No. 5. 

Experts explained to the students that it is necessary to protect nature and take care of wild world. The guys took an active part in the quiz, solved puzzles and riddles, and then, using improvised materials, they made feeders together with environmentalists.

The kindergarten kids were introduced to the history of the creation and development of nature reserves located on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. They told what specially protected natural areas are and what nature reserves and national parks are for.

"It brings joy that children are interested in learning something new about the environment and ecology in general. The children and their parents do not stay away, and take an active part in environmental campaigns, today, for example, we helped the birds, made feeders for them and hung them together with the guys," said Taliya Khuramshina, a specialist of the Northern TA.

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