Tatarstan's experience in improving the Volga River will be taken into account in the new federal project, which is being formed on behalf of President Vladimir Putin

24 November 2023, Friday

Today in Kazan, on behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Victoria Abramchenko, a seminar-meeting on the improvement and conservation of water bodies began its work.

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia Pavel Baryshev, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing of Russia Alexey Yeresko, heads of regional ministries of Natural Resources and Ecology, as well as ministries of Construction and Housing, water utilities and contractors are taking part in the seminar, which started today at the technopark in the field of high technologies "IT Park" in Kazan.

The sessions are moderated by Elena Dovlatova, Executive Director of the Russian Association of Water Supply and Sanitation.

The program of the seminar-meeting includes two days, the first of which was devoted to discussing the federal project "Improving the Volga" in the regions of Russia, and the second to visiting the silt fields of biological treatment facilities and the workshop of thermomechanical treatment of sewage sludge in Kazan.

Let us recall that in September, as part of a working trip to Tatarstan, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Victoria Abramchenko visited the silt fields and biological treatment facilities of Kazan and noted that such an integrated approach and best practices in solving the problems of improving water bodies should be replicated throughout the country. 

As a result, it was decided to hold a seminar-meeting, the main topic of which will be the results of the implementation of the federal project "Improvement of the Volga", issues of wastewater treatment, as well as the design, construction and operation of treatment facilities.

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