Specialists of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan told Kazan schoolchildren what ecology is and what this science studies

10 November 2023, Friday

What is ecology and why is everyone talking about it? Inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration and specialists of the Environmental Supervision Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan answered these and other questions. An exciting eco-lesson was held in Kazan Gymnasium No. 75. During the lesson, the children learned what the science of ecology is for and what environmental problems exist now, and the inspectors explained how these problems are prevented and solved.

At the meeting, they talked not only about ecology, but also about the "BoomBattle" challenge. "To participate, you need to register on the project's website, select the reception point on the interactive map, hand over the waste paper and fill out a report about it in your personal account on the website," Safiya Safonova, a specialist at the Central TA, told schoolchildren.

Let us recall that "BoomBattle" is an opportunity to take care of nature by handing over paper for recycling. But, like any battle, it is also a competition for the amount of waste paper collected, where you can compete for the championship in a team or individual competition. The campaign takes place from October 10 to November 15 in support of the national project "Ecology". According to the results of last year, Tatarstan entered the top 10 Russian regions. In two months, Tatarstan participants of the All-Russian #BoomBattle campaign collected and recycled 63.4 tons of waste paper.

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