Profession - ecologist: where to start and what is important? This was told by the inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology

3 November 2023, Friday

The 2nd year students of Bugulma Pedagogical College were told about the profession of an ecologist and the specifics of this work. Specialist of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology Marat Uzakov explained to the guys what work the inspectors do and what tasks they solve. Using the example of his work, he explained what supervision is, what violations are detected in the field of subsoil use, protection of atmospheric air and water bodies and in the field of waste management. During the meeting, students asked questions on topics of interest to them, including employment. 

"Events that help children decide on their future profession are held by us regularly. Career guidance meetings are part of the systematic work that is needed to form a promising talent pool," says Marat Uzakov.

You can learn more about the activities of environmentalists in the Department of Public Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Ecology.

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