Environmentalists again went to Lake Nizhny Kaban on complaints of residents

2 October 2023, Monday

According to information on social networks about the discharge of wastewater into Lake Nizhny Kaban, presumably from the construction site on Hadi Taktash Street, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan went to the site. At the time of departure, water discharge from the construction site was recorded. There is no access to the construction site, there is also no passport of the object, a dug pit is visible through the fence of the construction site. According to the workers, water from Kaban Lake is collected in the construction pit, so a pipe was laid to drain this water back into the lake. The inspectors were unable to take samples of wastewater, as there is no access to the facility under construction. The Central Technical Department of the Ministry of Ecology is currently working on the issue of sampling wastewater in cooperation with other supervisory agencies, requests will also be sent to the organization conducting construction work. Let us recall that this is not the first complaint about the fact of wastewater discharge into Lake Nizhny Kaban. In August, inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology have already visited this place, then in the sampling of natural water, excess chemical consumption of oxygen and manganese were recorded.

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