Issues of registration of objects of negative impact on the environment were discussed at meetings in the districts of Tatarstan

13 September 2023, Wednesday

The head of the Northern Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan Lenar Kasimov held field meetings in the Atninsky, Arsky, Baltasinsky and Tyulyachinsky districts. The meetings were held with the participation of representatives of the Executive Committees of the districts. Issues of compliance with mandatory requirements of environmental legislation, registration of objects of negative impact on the environment, coordination of action plans under adverse meteorological conditions were discussed at the meeting. Representatives of the Baltasinsky and Atninsky districts asked under what conditions the conservation of land takes place.

"Land conservation is carried out in relation to disturbed lands, where the negative impact has led to their degradation, deterioration of the environmental situation and it is impossible to eliminate the consequences through reclamation for 15 years. Economic activity in such territories is not allowed," explained Lenar Kasimov, Head of the Northern Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Gulnara Zalyaldinova, Head of the Northern Department of the GBU "NPO Geocenter RT", also spoke at the meeting. She spoke about laboratory research in the field of ecology.

Similar meetings were held in Verkhneuslonsky, Pestrechinsky, Apastovsky and Kamsko-Ustinsky districts.

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