Inspectors taught the children of the Nurlat kindergarten to take care of nature and properly handle waste

28 August 2023, Monday

Inspectors of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan held an environmental lesson on "Saving the planet together" in the Nurlat kindergarten "Pchelka" for the children of the senior and middle groups. Environmentalists shared with the guys a few rules that will help save the planet. They told the kids that it is important to save water and electricity, that every thing can be given a second life, and garbage should not just be thrown away, but learn how to sort. In a playful way, the inspectors taught the children to divide the waste into fractions.

"I often conduct eco-lessons in kindergartens and schools. I am sure that children should know from childhood how important it is to take care of the environment. The guys should understand that the ecology of the future depends on each of them," Venera Mingaleeva, inspector of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration, noted the significance of the eco-meeting.

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