Let's save the planet together. How to protect nature was told to preschool children by ecologists of the South-Eastern TA

29 June 2023, Thursday

Inspectors of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an educational lesson "Let's save the planet together" for pupils of kindergarten No. 5 "Kamyr-Batyr" in Nurlat. Environmentalists told the children how each of them can help save our planet.

In addition, preschool children learned about eco-habits, such as separate garbage collection, saving electricity and water. In turn, the children told environmentalists about how they take care of the environment and in which environmental actions they take an active part.

At the end of the lesson, all the children received a coloring book of the Ministry of Ecology as a gift. According to experts, thanks to such events, children gain new knowledge, learn about useful eco-habits and how they can help nature.

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