Residents of the Buinsky district collected 300 kilograms of batteries

9 June 2023, Friday

Inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan summed up the results of the second stage of the campaign to collect spent power sources in the Buinsky district. In just two months, residents collected about 300 kilograms of batteries. Let us recall that educational organizations and preschool institutions could take part in the campaign.

During the campaign, participants were told about the benefits of separate accumulation, collection and disposal of spent power sources and urged to take care of the environment. 101 kg were sent for disposal by students of the Academician R. Z. Sagdeev school. The children from the kindergarten "Teremok" collected a little more - 122 kg. The teachers of this preschool institution said that a greater contribution was made by the pupil Samir Nasyrov, who, together with his parents, collected 94 kilograms.

"It is very important to hand over used batteries for recycling. After all, if you throw them in an urn or in a landfill, they will decompose for 100 years, while poisoning the water and soil," said Leysan Gimatdinova, an inspector of the Zavolzhsky TA.

Let us recall that from 100 kg of spent current sources, you can get from 15 to 30 kg of zinc and iron, and with proper disposal of 100 batteries, you can make 100 graphite pencils or a set of cutlery.

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