Unauthorized occupation of the water body was revealed by inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology in the village of Verkhny Poshalym, Arsky district

16 May 2023, Tuesday

Inspectors of the Northern TA during a raid in the village of Verkhny Poshalym of the Arsky district recorded a violation of environmental legislation - unauthorized occupation of a water body through the construction of an illegal GTS. The man blocked the water body with concrete pipes, which disrupted the natural flow of the river. The violation was revealed during the monitoring of water bodies within the framework of the research project “Improvement of the ecological state of rivers and reservoirs of the Republic of Tatarstan”. Inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology, together with employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Arsky district, drew up a protocol on the violator. Within 15 days, he will be issued a fine and a warning about the inadmissibility of violating mandatory requirements.

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