Inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology took soil samples at the site of the breakthrough of a tank with petroleum products in Nizhnekamsk

15 May 2023, Monday

The Zakamsky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan received a message through the "Unified Dispatching Service on Duty" about a breakthrough of a tank with petroleum products in the area of the industrial zone of Nizhnekamsk. Inspectors and specialists of the Zakamsky TA laboratory went to the place. During the survey of the territory, it was found that a spill of petroleum products occurred at the site of the industrial zone as a result of the breakthrough of the tank of a heavy truck. Ecologists have taken soil samples. The area of the contaminated site was 444 sq.m. Based on the results of the analysis, administrative response measures will be taken.

As of today, the consequences of an emergency spill of petroleum products have been eliminated.


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