Concerned residents continue to restore order in the districts of Tatarstan

18 April 2023, Tuesday

Within the framework of the sanitary and ecological two-month period, our environmentalists and caring Tatarstan citizens actively participate in environmental campaigns and continue to restore order in the regions of the Republic.

Specialists of the Volga-Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology, together with students of the Agrarian College, cleaned the bank of the Kama River in the Alekseevsky district and held a clean-up in the Pristansky forest in Chistopol. In total, 20 cubic meters of waste were removed. And environmentalists of the Zavolzhsky territorial Administration, together with employees of LLC Buinsky Sugar, went out to clean the forest plantations along the Kazan-Ulyanovsk highway and whitewashed the trees of the forest strip. In the Yutazinsky district, 1,410 people took part in clean-ups, 294 cubic meters of garbage were collected together. In the Mendeleevsky district, specialists of the Prikamsky TA, employees of organizations and enterprises put things in order in the assigned territories. 

Join along! Take part in our clean-ups and make the city cleaner!

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