Ecologists and students of the Buinsky district hung new birdhouses for migratory birds

18 April 2023, Tuesday

Inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan and employees of the State Committee for Biological Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with the young students of the M. M. Vakhitov Gymnasium, hung birdhouses in the park named after the Decembrist V. P. Ivashev.

The first migratory birds coming to us from the warm south are called "messengers of spring".  They arrive as soon as the snow begins to melt. Specifically for the birds, 7th grade students made birdhouses.

Employees of the Zavolzhsky TA told the students that many starlings return to their native place to live in their houses. Young starlings are looking for new homes, especially for them, the guys have hung homemade birdhouses.

Environmentalists also explained what materials and sizes birdhouses should have to make the birds comfortable. Such activities help to preserve bird habitats, and also allow students to learn more about birds and how they can help preserve the environment.

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