Environmentalists obliged the violator to dismantle the illegally erected fence near the Sterlya river

18 April 2023, Tuesday

Inspectors of the Priiksky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan during the monitoring of the Aznakaevsky district revealed an environmental violation on Zarechnaya Street in the village of Aseevo. A fence was installed on the bank of the Sterlya River, which restricted free access to the water body, which is a violation of water legislation.

The owner of the land plot was issued a warning about the inadmissibility of violating mandatory requirements for a period of 60 days. In case of failure to comply with the warning, a claim will be sent to the violator.

However, if the violator does not voluntarily eliminate this environmental violation, then environmentalists will already send a statement of claim to the court to compel the elimination of the fence.

Let us remind that the water protection zone should be accessible to everyone who wants to approach the reservoir. All fences and enclosures on the shoreline are illegal.


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