The court ordered the violator to pay more than 6 million rubles for damage caused to nature

13 April 2023, Thursday

The Moscovsky District Court of Kazan obliged the violator to compensate for the damage caused to the environment. Earlier, the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology received an appeal from residents about an unauthorized dump in the village of Shigali in the Vysokogorsky district through the "People's Control" system. Inspectors carried out a visit, during which the fact of environmental violations was confirmed. Construction debris littered the territory with an area of 46 sq.m, the volume of the landfill was 115 cubic meters. Then the owner of the land plot was issued a warning about the inadmissibility of violating the mandatory requirements of environmental legislation and eliminating the violation. However, the violator did not take away the warning that was sent by mail. Specialists of the Central TA have repeatedly left for the site to survey the territory. As it turned out, the previously identified violations have not only not been eliminated, but the landfill itself has also increased. Its area reached 255 sq.m., and the volume was 318 cubic meters. Environmentalists calculated and presented the damage caused to the environment. The amount amounted to 6 million 733 thousand rubles. The claim was also not received by the guilty person. Then the inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology filed a claim with the Moscow District Court of Kazan. The environmentalists' claims were fully satisfied.    

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