Ecologists and children of the Leninogorsk kindergarten went on a trip through the forest

12 April 2023, Wednesday

Inspectors of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology conducted an ecological lesson "The Power of the forest" for the preparatory groups "Solnyshko" and "Alye parusa" of kindergarten No. 14 "Rodnichok" of Leninogorsk district.

Environmentalists went on an exciting journey with children. In a playful way, the kids were told that trees saturate the air with oxygen, which all living beings breathe, that plants help to retain moisture in the soil and participate in the natural water cycle. During the lesson, the children themselves turned into inhabitants of the forest – they became birds, foxes, hares and helped the ecologist to find those who harm the fields – rodents and insects.

The pre-school children also played a quiz, where they answered all the inspectors' questions and helped environmentalists plant new trees.

At the end of the lesson, all participants received coloring books on environmental topics.

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