Environmentalists are finding out who is dumping polluted wastewater into the Sredny Kaban Lake

4 April 2023, Tuesday

According to the received information about the discharge of sewage into the Sredny Kaban Lake in the area of the 33rd Military Town of Kazan, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration and specialists of the laboratory of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan went to the place. During the survey of the territory, a pipe was found, from which, at the time of departure, sewage was draining. Water samples were taken by specialists. The results of the tests will be known in 7 days. To determine the balance holder of the pipe, a request will be sent to the MPI "Committee for External Improvement of the Executive Committee of the Municipal Formation of the city of Kazan". Based on the results of the analysis of samples and the establishment of the balance holder, response measures will be taken.

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