Environmentalists checked residents' complaints about an unauthorized dump in a ravine on Gudovantseva St. in Kazan

17 March 2023, Friday

The Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry receives numerous appeals about the unauthorized filling of the ravine near the house No. 51 on Gudovantsev St., located on the territory of the GNCP "Zaovrazhye" in the Aviastroitelny district of Kazan.

The state inspectors of the Ministry conducted an on-site survey of this territory. During the raid, a violation of environmental legislation was revealed, namely the storage of garbage waste from demolition and disassembly of buildings on a total area of 213 sq.m. in the amount of 1065 cubic meters.

According to this fact, warnings were sent to the owners of land plots about the inadmissibility of violating mandatory requirements. In case of non-compliance with these requirements, measures of a claim-based nature will be applied against violators.

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