Illegal snow dumps with a total area of 5,500 sq.m. were identified by environmentalists of the Zavolzhsky TA in the Kaibitsky district

3 March 2023, Friday

The inspectors worked out complaints from residents of the village of Bolshye Kaibitsy about the storage of snow from winter street cleaning. Ecologists went to the site and found 2 snow dumps on a total area of 5500 sq.m on M. Zakirov Street and Gismatullin Street. Snow samples were taken. According to the results of the analysis of samples, the excess of chlorides by 21.8 times, petroleum products by 1.8 times, sulfates by 2.6 times and phosphates by 3.2 times were revealed. As it turned out, the snow was taken to the sites for the arrangement of snow dumpers, which were determined by the Executive Committee of the Bolshekaybitsky rural settlement. However, these sites do not have a hard surface and landslides, besides they are located 10 meters from residential buildings. All materials were transferred to the prosecutor's office of the Kaibitsky district.

It is worth noting that the danger of unauthorized storage lies in the fact that there may be remnants of household garbage, sand-salt mixtures, contamination with petroleum products and other ecotoxicants in the snow.

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