Hand over the battery – save the hedgehogs! Schoolchildren of Menzelinsk collected more than 100 kg of batteries

2 March 2023, Thursday

Inspectors of the Prikamsky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan for students of school No. 2 Menzelinsk held an environmental lesson on the topic "Hand over the battery – save the hedgehogs."

Experts told the guys that one discarded battery, for example, from the control panel, decomposing, pollutes 20 square meters of soil with heavy metals, and penetrating into groundwater, pollutes about 400 liters of water. Therefore, a hedgehog, or any other living organism, falling into the zone of such pollution, gets poisoned with heavy metals and dies. It is impossible to stop such a process, but it can be prevented if used batteries are disposed of in a timely manner. For the first half of the year, Menzelinsky schoolchildren in the framework of the "Batteries, give up!" campaign 114 kg of spent batteries were collected.

"We are pleased to note that now the younger generation is studying ecology and relationships in the surrounding world with great interest, thinking about the state of nature and protection. Our lessons help the children to analyze the consequences of the negative human influence on the life of the planet and to love nature," the staff of the Prikamsky TA noted

Environmentalists thanked the schoolchildren, and awarded the most active with diplomas.

It should be noted that such eco-lessons contribute to the achievement of the goals of the national project "Ecology", aimed at the development of environmental education, caring attitude of people to the environment.

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