Ecologists held an eco-lesson for schoolchildren of the Leninogorsk district

20 February 2023, Monday

Inspectors of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology held an eco-lesson for 3rd grade students of school No. 4. of Leninogorsk, where topical environmental issues were discussed.

Employees of the Ministry of Ecology answered questions from schoolchildren and told how each of them can contribute to the cause of ecology. Especially for this lesson, the students prepared a video "Ecology of our school", where they conducted their own air research and a social survey among students at school.  

Let us recall that the Ministry's specialists regularly go to schools and kindergartens for eco-education lessons. The main purpose of such events is to teach children to appreciate and cherish everything that nature has given them and to treat the world around them with care.  

Coloring books were presented to all the children as a souvenir.


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