Ecologists and students of the pedagogical college became participants of a practical seminar in a kindergarten in Kazan

9 February 2023, Thursday

An open practical seminar for students of the Kazan Pedagogical College was held in kindergarten No. 42. The seminar was attended by employees of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

For this day specifically, the children prepared an ecological holiday "Let's take care of nature!" and gave the guests a short tour of the exhibition of homemade didactic games made of throwaway material and eco-crafts.

The educators demonstrated to their future colleagues - students of the pedagogical college what forms of environmental education of preschool children there are. "Such events unite environmentalists, teachers, students and pupils, and also create an atmosphere of warmth and trust," said the inspector of the Central TA Nargiza Galimova.

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