Environmentalists left on complaints to check the air quality in Naberezhnye Chelny

3 February 2023, Friday

The address of the Prikamsky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan received a complaint from residents of Naberezhnye Chelny. Residents of Naberezhnye Chelny complained of an unpleasant chemical smell in the area of BSI Profilnaya Street. To assess the state of the air, inspectors of the Prikamsky TA together with a mobile environmental laboratory went to the site. Sampling was carried out at 4 points along Profilnaya, Timer, Fabrichny and Cekhovoy passages. According to the results of the samples analysis, no exceedances of the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants were detected.

During the monitoring, environmentalists identified the likely sources of chemical odor – these are 2 foundries and 1 enterprise for the production of lubricating and cooling liquid, located in close proximity to the applicant company. Foundries belong to the II category and have a 4 degree of risk, and the enterprise for the production of lubricants has a III category and a 5 degree of risk. In the course of control (supervisory) measures, without interaction with a legal entity, the inspectors found that all these enterprises are registered as objects of negative impact on the environment.  However, enterprises have not developed and agreed on plans to reduce emissions under unfavorable weather conditions (UMC), which means that during the UMC period, organizations do not reduce their emissions, which is a violation of paragraph 3 of Article 19 of the Federal Law "On Atmospheric Air Protection". In addition, at one foundry, none of the emission sources is equipped with installations for the capture and neutralization of pollutants. At the second enterprise, the emission source is equipped with a Scrubber cleaning unit, with a cleaning efficiency of only 85%.

Legal entities were issued a warning about the inadmissibility of violating mandatory requirements of environmental legislation and recommended to equip emission sources with installations for capturing, recycling, neutralizing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, modernize existing installations, thereby increasing the degree of their purification, develop and coordinate in accordance with the established procedure an emission reduction plan at UMC.

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