About the Red Book - in your native language. Inspectors of the Zavolzhsky TA held an eco-lesson for schoolchildren of the Tetyushsky district

2 February 2023, Thursday

The students of Bolshetarkhansky secondary school were told about environmental protection, environmental safety and the Red Book. Specialists of the Zavolzhsky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology conducted an exciting eco-lesson in Tatar language. During the lesson, the children got acquainted with the Red Book, examined images of rare and extinct animals and plants, repeated the rules of behavior in the forest. "Depending on the degree of risk of extinction from the planet, each species is highlighted in a certain color. Animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction are marked on the red pages. On the yellow sheets are those who will soon be so few that they may fall into the red category. On the white pages there are extremely rare species of animals that almost never catch the eye of a person. On the green leaves are those animals and plants that used to be on the verge of extinction, but thanks to the efforts of people, their populations are growing again. And on the black pages, those species that could not be saved are marked," environmentalists say. With great interest, the guys took part in the discussions and actively asked their questions.

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