Since 1998, the total volume of harmful emissions into the atmospheric air in Tatarstan has decreased by 21.4 %

20 January 2023, Friday

"Since 1998, with the growth of the gross regional product by 2.6 times at comparable prices, the total volume of harmful emissions into the atmospheric air in Tatarstan has decreased by 21.4%," Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexander Shadrikov said at a meeting of the final board of the Ministry. According to him, such changes speak about the responsible attitude of enterprises to environmental protection. In particular, to atmospheric air.

He noted that in 2022, the quality of atmospheric air in the region was assessed at 121 observation points, including automatic stations around the clock. Data analysis based on the annual carrying out of more than 4 million measurements shows an annual decrease in the number of exceedances of the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in the air. "Last year it decreased and now it is only 0.022% of the total number of measurements performed," Alexander Shadrikov explained.

Within the framework of the formed territorial monitoring system for atmospheric air pollution, the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic conducts observations using 16 automatic air pollution control stations (AAPCS) and 6 mobile environmental laboratories. Automatic stations are equipped with modern devices for determining 36 main and specific pollutants, as well as for determining meteorological parameters (atmospheric pressure, wind direction and speed, air temperature) in continuous automatic mode. On the basis of laboratories, atmospheric air samples are analyzed for 59 substances.

In addition, in order to expand the observation area in the republic, agreements have been concluded with large industrial enterprises of the republic on the mutual exchange of data from automatic stations. "Work continues in terms of expanding the monitoring network through the participation of industrial enterprises. Within the framework of Agreements with PJSC Tatneft, PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim and TANECO, our observation network is supplemented by data from 9 automatic monitoring stations. This year, it is planned to connect to the common system and AAPCS PJSC "Kazanorgsintez" and JSC "TAIF-NK". We are signing the agreement with Kazanorgsintez today. This is an example of a responsible and socially-oriented approach to work," said the Head of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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