Thanks to the work within the framework of the national project "Ecology", the ecological well-being of 2.3 million Tatarstan citizens has improved. Today, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan summed up the results for 2022

20 January 2023, Friday

Today, the final board of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources was held in the new Bashir Rameyev IT Park with the participation of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Nigmatullin. Last year Tatarstan took part in 4 federal projects of the national project "Ecology" – these are "Improving the Volga", "Clean Country", "Preservation of unique water bodies" and "Conservation of forests". 6.8 billion rubles were allocated for their implementation. "In general, over the past five years, over 50 billion rubles have been allocated for environmental protection measures of the republic, of which almost 40 percent is the amount of budget financing. As a result of all these environmental works, living conditions have been improved for almost 2 million 300 thousand Tatarstan residents," Ecology Minister Alexander Shadrikov said at the final board. This year Tatarstan is also taking part in the implementation of the activities of the national project "Ecology". 6.8 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes in the republic. So, in 2022, the reconstruction of biological sewage treatment plants in Kazan continues under the federal project "Volga Rehabilitation". They are among the top 200 major pollutants of the Volga River. 2 786.2 million rubles have been allocated for this. The work is planned until 2024.

According to the program "Elimination of objects of accumulated environmental damage that pose a threat to the Volga River", work is being carried out at two sites. These are the recultivation of silt fields of biological treatment facilities in Kazan, with an area of about 100 hectares, and the dismantling of inactive pipelines of the Lake oil field in the waters of the Nizhnekamsk reservoir.

"The project that is currently being implemented in the silt fields is a pilot and at the moment the only one on such a scale in Russia. In 2023 we will finish the technical stage of work, and in 2024 we will move on to the biological stage of reclamation," Alexander Shadrikov said.

Also at the end of 2021, the Ministry initiated a pilot research project "Improving the ecological state of rivers and reservoirs of the Republic of Tatarstan". According to the results of the People's Rating, as well as a survey on the website of Public Services of Russia, he took first place, which shows his high demand among residents. Now we are working on the issue of co-financing the implementation of the second stage of the project with the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

"It is assumed that this project will be replicated throughout the country. He has already received a diploma in the nomination "The best promising project and development" of the All–Russian competition "Reliable Partner - Ecology"," the head of the department noted.

In addition to the above-mentioned works, this year the Ministry carried out activities on the federal projects "Clean Country" and "Forest Conservation".

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