At the request of Kazan residents, the Ministry of Ecology, together with the Executive Committee of Kazan, determined the placement of the AAPCS in the area of the residential complex "Salavat Kupere"

16 January 2023, Monday

In connection with the complaints of Kazan residents living in the residential complex "Salavat Kupere" about the unsatisfactory quality of atmospheric air, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan decided to install an automatic air pollution control station (AAPCS) in this area. The AAPCS container was installed today on the territory of MBOU Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 188 "Bionics".

It is planned that atmospheric air quality control will be carried out for the content of carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, the sum of nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, as well as a number of hydrocarbons.

The contractor of the works is subordinate to the GBU "NPO Geocenter RT".

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