The enterprise LLC "Gosudarev Barn" fulfilled the warning of environmentalists on time

30 December 2022, Friday

During the scheduled inspection of the enterprise "Gosudarev Ambar" LLC in the Drozhzhanovsky district, inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan revealed a violation in the field of atmospheric air protection. When sampling air from an organized source (grain dryer), an excess of the MPC of suspended solids by 7.2 times was detected.

Environmentalists issued an order to eliminate the identified violations.

As of today, the company has purchased and already installed and put into operation a new grain dryer worth more than 17.5 million rubles. Environmentalists went to the place again to take samples of atmospheric air. The results showed that no exceedances of the maximum permissible concentrations were detected, and no exceedances of the MPC for suspended solids were also detected.

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