Young ecologists from Tatarstan kindergartens defended their projects

14 December 2022, Wednesday

At the Buinsk kindergarten "ABVGDEIKa" at the ecological conference, the "First steps of young researchers" were studied. The guys presented their first projects on the study of water and air. A total of 21 works came to the competition. The experts determined the winners in each section. Ecologists of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan took part in the award ceremony. Inspectors awarded the preschool children with diplomas and valuable prizes. "We all know that preschool children love to explore, observe, experiment. It is the practical method that is best suited to instill in them a love of nature. I would like to thank the teachers who prepared the children for their high professionalism and wish them further creative success," says Leysan Gimatdinova, a specialist at the Zavolzhsky TA.

It is worth noting that the kindergarten "ABVGDEIKa" is already receiving the third prestigious international award. For participation in the international program "Eco-schools /Green Flag", the Buinsky kindergarten was awarded the ecological "Green Flag".


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