Good news! The eco-dictation has been extended, there is still a week to check your eco-literacy

28 November 2022, Monday

The annual All-Russian Environmental Dictation started on November 11 in all regions of Russia and was supposed to end on November 27. Due to numerous requests from the public, the eco-dictation was extended.

Let us recall that according to the results of 2021, the Republic of Tatarstan is the leader in the number of winners of the 1st degree (4,691 people) of the environmental dictation, so Kazan this year became the main venue for the opening ceremony of the environmental dictation. The opening ceremony was attended by Natalia Sokolova, Co-chair of the Federal Organizing Committee of the Ecodictation, Alexander Terentyev, member of the Federation Council Committee on Regulations and Organization of Parliamentary Activities, Deputy Minister of Ecology Egor Tarnavsky, Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Tahir Khadeev and more than 150 Tatarstan citizens.

According to Natalia Sokolova, the eco-dictation has already been held 4 times. "If in 2019 85 thousand schoolchildren from 45 subjects of Russia took part in the Eco-dictation, then last year the dictation already covered 85 regions of Russia, 105 foreign countries, and the number of participants exceeded 3.4 million!", the speaker noted.

The eco-dictation takes place in the format of testing, which includes 25 questions. 45 minutes are allotted for completing tasks. You can prepare for dictation — the portal has educational eco-lectures for both children and adults, including ecologists.

If you haven't had time to check your eco-knowledge, you have the opportunity to do so before December 4. Anyone can write an eco-dictation – to participate, you only need to register on the eco-dictation website https://экодиктант.рус /.

For reference:

Eco-dictation is an annual project aimed at the formation of ecological culture, popularization of ecological knowledge and increasing the level of environmental literacy. The organizers are the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, ANO "Equality", the NGO "Angel-Detstvohranitel" and the Federal Children's Ecological and Biological Center. The event contributes to the achievement of the goals of the national project "Ecology", aimed at the development of environmental education, respect for the human environment.

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