Ecologists of the Zavolzhsky TA found a snow dump in the Kama Estuary

22 November 2022, Tuesday

The Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan received an appeal from citizens about unauthorized storage of snow at the intersection of K. Marx and Gagarin streets in the village of Kamskoye Ustye. Inspectors, arriving at the scene, found snow piles on an area of 150 sq.m. in the volume of 40 cubic meters.

Environmentalists sent a notification to the Executive Committee of the district about the elimination of the violation. Currently, the violation has been eliminated, the territory has been brought into proper sanitary and ecological condition.

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds: if you find an unauthorized dump of snow, report via the following communication channels:

- by phone (843)267-68-67;

- by email;

- in the internet reception;

- via additional communication channels WhatsApp and Telegram to the number +79872169779;

- in the "People's Control" system, "Ecology" category;

- by "School eco-patrol" mobile application.

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